World of Warships brings together new videos for 2019
Jan. 2, 2020

World of Warships has released a new video that returns to 2019.

This video summarizes a series of new game modes, ship branches, official announcements to add submarines, supplies, improved game games, spectator mode, recovery improvements, AA defense mechanism updates, etc.

In case you missed it, the weekly combat missions and discounts will run until January 2.

The first winner of the day receives + 200% XP reward
1 duplicate 1: 2,020 points
When you convert Marine XP to free XP, you get 35 free XP for 1 duplicate
In points and double hoods in the game, the customer causes -60% of the cost of camouflage mode type 1, type 2, type 5, type 6 and type 59
-50% reduction in the cost of economic signals for game customers